Beyond Category
Cycling Coach

For Real Results, Personalized Plans and Long-term Fitness — Go Beyond

What We Offer Our Cyclists

collage of cyclist and a calendar

Custom Cycling Training Plans

Whether you're a seasoned racer or a beginner - a road, gravel, mountain, or ultra-distance biker, you can get fitter, faster, and stronger on AND off the bike by utilizing our individualized training programs. They are balanced to meet the demands of busy life and to meet your personalized goals. You can get the right mix of volume/intensity with rest/recovery to avoid training burnout and performance plateaus to help you crush your goals.

person in an online video call on a laptop while taking notes

Personalized Support

Your job is to ride your bike. We are here for you - no matter your level to be sure your training is personalized to you. Depending on the coaching plan that best fits you, you can receive communication via email, scheduled phone calls and suggested training plan updates. We provide athletes with personalized attention, data-driven feedback, and ongoing support to enhance their training experience.

Nutrition & Balanced Strength Training

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Although you love riding your bike, you will find your best performance with proper nutrition and a structured strength training program. Focusing on these, as well as time on the bike, helps prevent injury, creates optimal body composition, and supports mental focus. BCC is specifically trained in the Vortex Method and in addition to cycling providing nutrition support, we also have relationship with certified Nutrition Coaches who can guide those with more advanced needs.

Cycling Training Philosophy

By combining realistic goal setting, encouragement of challenges, individualized coaching, and comprehensive support, with Beyond Category Cycling Coaching, you will excel with a well-rounded framework for success. 

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We help our athletes set realistic goals and expectations for themselves, while encouraging them to see and accept challenges, so they continue to push themselves to do better!

We blend personal experience with the principles of exercise science, to create training programs that are not only effective but also adaptable, engaging, and tailored to each athlete's needs.

Beyond Category Coaching emphasizes the coach-athlete relationship, as it is vital for a successful coaching plan. When trust is established, athletes are more likely to follow a training plan, leading to better outcomes and overall success in achieving their athletic goals.

Metrics, coupled with your honest feedback provides the best opportunity for training. We utilize science and metrics with advanced performance software and coach more than just FTP, VO2 max, TSS, IF etc. because there is not just ONE puzzle piece that makes up your fitness to help you crush your goals! 

Training Plans We Offer







Winter Cycle Training Tips

Don't let the winter get you off your training course! With these tips, you can maintain momentum, address weaknesses, and set yourself up for a successful and productive cycling season ahead.